IMF 國際金融統計 (IFS) 資料庫 :
Zimbabwe (共837筆)

Source:International Monetary Fund (IMF) International Financial Statistics (IFS)

顯示全表( 年資料  季資料  月資料
按 IMF IFS 表格 sections
    01. Exchange Rates
    02. Fund Position
    03. International Liquidity
    04. Central Bank
    05. Other Depository Corporations
    06. Depository Corporations
    09. Monetary Aggregates
    10. Interest Rates
    11. Prices, Production
    12. Labor
    13. Intl. Transactions and Positions
    14. Balance of Payments
    16. Government Finance Operations Statement General Government
    18. National Accounts
    19. Population
    20. Others